Все новости

MCU leadership at EdCrunch Glocal

MCU Rector Igor Remorenko and Vice-Rector for Strategy Kirill Barannikov participated as track moderators in the EdCrunch Glocal Conference

MCU researchers published a Scopus article on culturally responsive school leadership

Review of a newly published Scopus paper by a team of MCU and international researchers

Meeting with graduates at the Department of French Language and Linguistic Didactics

Third-year students of the Institute of Foreign Languages met the graduates at the Department of French Language and Linguistic Didactics

MCU students researching Russia-France relations

Students of MCU’s Institute of Foreign Languages shared their impressions about the exhibition “France and Russia. Ten centuries together”

MCU students helping stray animals

Students of the Bachelor’s program “Sports Journalism and Media Communications in Sports” showed a responsible attitude towards animals
