Все новости

Quaterfinals of the Club of the Cheerful and Sharp-witted

On February 22 MCU will host the Quaterfinals of the Club of the Cheerful and Sharp-witted.

Talk on education: what do they teach our children in Europe and Russia?

Professor Alexander Asmolov, head of the Department of Personality Psychology of the Moscow State University, has been invited to speak about education on February 21.

Conference: the Origins and Evolution of Russian Psychology

To commemorate the 100-year anniversary the Soviet School of Psychology the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations will hold the Research Conference “The Origins and Evolution of Russian Psychology”.

Professor Vladimir Kurdyumov visiting National Taichung University of Education

Professor Vladimir Kurdyumov, Head of the MCU’s Chinese Language Department, paid a visit to National Taichung University of Education on February 12. 

Open lecture by Professor Roger Säljö at MCU

Professor Roger Säljö from Gothenburg University, Sweden, was invited by the Institute of System Projects to hold an open lecture on February 16.
