Все новости

Elena Tareva won the “Dean of the Year” award

Elena Tareva, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages MCU, won the competition for the national award of the RPA “Dean of the Year”

MCU in the BRICS university ranking

MCU was ranked in the first half of 600 best universities in BRICS countries

Associate Professor organised a health check workshop for school students

In the course of the project work, children analysed the peculiarities of the circulatory system, learned how to work with scientific equipment and present their research results

MCU choirs at the International Forum of Choirs in Istanbul

Choral groups of the Institute of Culture and Art took part in the activities of the Forum of Choirs in Turkey and performed at the final Gala Concert

Professors of Institute of Culture and Arts visited Vitebsk State University

MCU professors went on a familiarisation tour to Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov in Belarus and took part in a conference on art and pedagogy
