
The successes of The ‘Moscow’s Teacher Certificate’ project in 2020

In 2016, MCU and the Moscow Department of Education and Science launched the project ‘Moscow’s Teacher Certificate’ to assess the competences of pre-service teachers and their preparedness for professional activity. The project also provides financial support to the best students of the final year and draws employers’ attention to the training quality of student teachers.

Since its launch, more than 1500 students have participated in the project, and 263 independent experts from 114 educational institutions have assessed the results of certification tasks. In total, the project features 95 finalists who have been employed by 81 educational institutions. The graduates with the highest certification scores have been awarded a Moscow’s Teacher Certificate.

The Moscow’s Teacher Certificate offers the following options: 

  • employment by educational institutions of Moscow;
  • receiving financial support in case of employment by a Moscow’s educational institution according to one’s major;
  • receiving MCU’s methodical support during the first year of employment.

Starting from September 2020, the certification stages of the project have been held at MCU Center for Independent Assessment of Student Competencies. In November, the Center launched the first stage of the certification contest for the 3rd year student teachers. At this stage, the students’ expertise in the subject content is assessed. The 1st stage of the project offered assessment tasks for 394 future teachers of Mathematics, Computer Science, Russian language, History, Social Studies, Geography, Biology, etc. The students of the Institute of Foreign Languages will be assessed in-person as soon as this will be allowed by the pandemic conditions. The assessment of the final year students for the Center for Independent Assessment is scheduled for December.