
Team of the project “Kultura. Dumat!” introduced the “Begemot Bot”

On May 16, 2024, the team of the project “Kultura. Dumat!” presented the result of the joint work of the Moscow City University and the M. A. Bulgakov Museum — an educational telegram bot for schoolchildren. The presentation of the bot took place within the framework of the Bulgakov Fest 2024 festival.

The developers of the bot were teenagers, who gave it the name “Begemot Bot”. It is based on several routes through the “Nekhoroshaya Kvartira”, passing which you will be able to get to know all the “residents”. To successfully complete the route, you need to establish contact with each of them — otherwise they will not let you go further.

Along the route, participants will learn more about Moscow in the 1920s, get acquainted with excerpts from the diaries and works of Mikhail Bulgakov, see photos and listen to audio recordings. All these materials will help you answer the test questions correctly.

Answering the bot’s questions, young people not only learn facts from the life of Mikhail Bulgakov and immerse themselves deeper into the atmosphere of his works, but also find answers to crucial philosophical questions:

  • how to live side by side with other people?
  • how to find a common language, but keep personal boundaries?
  • how do I find my calling and succeed?
  • does everyone have to/can be great?
  • what does the creative process mean for a person?

The creators of the bot reflect on these topics in a fascinating way and encourage their peers to think more broadly and learn new things with interest.

You can go on an exciting journey through the “Nekhoroshaya Kvartira” by entering the name of the telegram bot in the search line – @poprobuy3_bot.

Photo: Freepik