
Russian Researches of Education to Enter ‘European Union’

On March 24 the Russian Educational Research Association (RERA) joined the European Educational Research Association (EERA). This membership opens new opportunities to Russian researches of education, such as participation in world conferences and seminars, easier access to research grants and greater integration into the global academic community.

EERA was established in 1994 in Berlin and now unites 35 associations from different countries whose research is focused on education.

RERA is a young organization, being established in January 2017. Among RERA founders are the leaders of Russia’s top research institutions, namely Higher School of Economics, Moscow City University and Moscow State University of Psychology & Education. The RERA Council also includes experts from Herzen University (Saint Petersburg), Kazan Federal University (Kazan), Minin University (Nizhny Novgorod) and Siberian Federal University.

RERA aims at:

  • Fostering global networking cooperation of researches
  • Providing opportunities for continuous open dialogue among researches in Russia
  • Supporting young academics
  • Developing standards for professional practice in education
  • Defining status of research expertise
  • Representing Russian research community at the world stage

EERA offers its members a wide range of opportunities: extension of professional ties required to fulfil joint projects, participation in events for young academics and other events with special membership discounts (for example, RERA will pay only 50 % of the fee to take part in the annual ECER Conference, which brings together more than 3,000 researches from all over the world); discounts for professional subscriptions and easier access to analytical data bases.

Isac Froumin, Head of the HSE Institute of Education, comments as follows, ‘We have the same mission as EERA, and address the same challenges, that is why joining EERA was only a question of time. I might add that by European scale our Association is quite reputable. It has been founded by 3 universities who are Russia’s leaders in research on education. 70% of publications in this field indexed by WoS and Scopus belong to the academics, graduate and postgraduate students of the Big 3. In total, we comprise more than 20,000 students and 2,000 faculty members.’

After joining its European partner, RERA has a good chance to share the immense research data produced by our academics with the global community, and support the scientists who hold to evidence-based approach in research and measurement.