The Laboratory of Applied Engineering Competencies
The Laboratory of Applied Engineering Competencies teaches spatial thinking and introduces engineering and technical techniques of thinking. A wide range of courses is available: from architectural modeling to 3D printing. The courses include a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice: make a three-dimensional model of a house, print a mug on a 3D printer, develop a technical sketch of an airplane, among others.
Our courses
3D modeling on the basis of CAD Autodesk Inventor (10—17 years old)
The course introduces the computer modeling tool “Autodesk Inventor”. The course develops spatial thinking and teaches techniques for designing three-dimensional models of real objects.
Construction master (5—16 years old)
The course develops the basic skills of manipulating hand tools, working with diverse natural materials (wood, plywood) and types of metal (rolled metal, rod, pipe, sheet metal), and provides opportunities to design 3D models and participate in creative contests.
Training to use UNIMAT machines (7—15 years old)
The course provides students with training in the fundamentals of product modeling, manufacturing them on training machines, the fundamentals of designing control programs for training machines, the principles of manipulating training machines and drawing technical sketches. The course does not only develop spatial and logical thinking but also fine motor skills.
Training to use computer numerical control machines (7—14 years old)
The course provides students with training in the fundamentals of product modeling, manufacturing them on training machines, the fundamentals of designing control programs for training machines, the principles of manipulating training machines and drawing technical sketches. The course does not only develop spatial and logical thinking but also fine motor skills.
Applied physics. Robotics (8—14 years old)
The course is aimed at developing high school students’ creativity in science and technics through learning theory and designing functioning models and research stands. The course enables students to practice and develop their skills in related disciplines: mechanics, control theory, programming, and establish interdisciplinary connections between physics, biology, and chemistry.
Aeronautics. Aviation. Cosmonautics (5—16 years old)
Different levels of the course are aimed at different age groups: introductory, basic, and advanced. Within the course, students design their aircraft, learn interesting facts about aviation and the fundamentals of flying, and how to make technical sketches. The advanced course develops research interest in aeronautics and teaches a holistic worldview through experiments and modeling.

Victor Chernikov