Department of Education Informatisation
The Department, among the first ones in Russia, has attempted to provide student teachers with complex instruction in systemic, reasonable and efficient usage of informatisation tools. This objective defined the principles of student training, which is aimed at rendering it fundamental and less dependent on ever-changing and ever-developing digital tools.
The Department aims at
- introducing to students the positive and negative aspects of usage of information and telecommunication means in education;
- building understanding of types and fields of effective informatisation means usage;
- training future teachers in informatisation methods that answer the needs of the academic process, training results monitoring and assessment, extracurricular, research, and organizational work at schools and universities;
- building knowledge about the requirements to the tools of education informatisation and their basic quality assessment principles;
- instructing in informatisation strategies and means and their practical implementation.
- +7 (495) 618-40-33
- 29 Sheremetievskaya St., Moscow

Lyubov Shunina

Deputy Head for Academic Affairs of the Department of Education Informatisation
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Deputy Head for Research Work of the Deaprtment of Education Informatisation, Associate Professor
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Engineering, Associate Professor

Doctor of Pedagogy

Doctor of Engineering

Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Sociology

Doctor of Pedagogy, Corresponding Fellow of the Russian Academy of Education

Associate Professor
Candidate of Education Sciences, Associate Professor of Russian Academy of Education

Doctor of Engineering, Full Professor

Associate Professor
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

Academic Supervisor of the Data Analysis Center, Associate Professor
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philosophy, Associate Professor

Specialist of the Office of Educational and Methodological Support of the Educational Process, Assistant Lecturer of Department of Department of Informatisation of Education