Все новости

MCU certified for the IB program in 2018

MCU is included in the updated catalogue of world universities offering the IB degree programs in 2018.

V Metropolitan Conference on Educational Tourism

We announce the V Conference on Educational tourism to be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences on March 31.

The IB workshops: Primary Years Program

The IB Provider Center at MCU invites you to take part in the spring seminars on the IB Primary Years Program (PYP).

Account of the International Conference “Teaching Foreign Languages and New Approaches to Academic Cooperation in Digital Age”

On March 26 the International Conference “Teaching Foreign Languages and New Approaches to Academic Cooperation in Digital Age” was held at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Prof. Vladlena Fedyanina visits the University of Sofia with a series of lectures

Prof. Vladlena Fedyanina visits the University of Sofia with a series of lectures on classic Japanese written language.
