Все новости

Joe O’Hara at the 2nd International Symposium

Professor Joe O’Hara from Dublin City University will make a report “Converging towards co-professionalism: Challenges and opportunities in school evaluation”.

Yaacov Hecht at the 2nd International Symposium

Yaacov Hecht will present a report “Education Cities 2.0” within the 2nd Annual International Symposium.

Intellectual battle «Design vs Education»

The students of the Master’s program “Design of the Urban Educational Infrastructures” will take part in the intellectual battle and make presentations in the pecha-kucha format.

Ekaterina Asonova: on the studies of students and schoolchildren

Ekaterina Asonova will present a report at the Symposium’s section “Urban studies of students and schoolchildren”.

Asa Morberg at the 2nd International Symposium

Professor Asa Morberg from University of Gavle will present a report “Participatory practices at the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE)”.
