Out of the Net – Preventing social withdrawal of school students (In progress 2021–2023)
Project ID 2020-1-PL01-KA201-082223
Project Outline
Out of the Net is Strategic Partnership that aims at preventing early school leaving through a new pedagogical methodology developed on strong and innovative socio-psychopedagogical bases to tackle a new facing problem in the society: the Hikikomori syndrome. More and more students leave school not because of learning difficulties, but because of emotional, communicative and behavioural problems. Social withdrawal of the hikikomori is multifactorial and is often connected with a perceived incapacity in dealing with direct social interaction. As identified by the researches, the withdrawal is gradual and is connected with the perceived social pressure toward assimilation to certain superficial values.
“Out of the Net” aims at preventing social withdrawal creating a model for a multidimensional educational intervention, involving all the social agencies: schools, out-of-the-school activities and families. The prevention has to start during the primary school period, in the years in which personality and social abilities are developing, to sustain the growth of children. The project aims at training teachers in the use of teaching strategies that empower the social skills of their students aged 8 to 13.
Project Objectives
- Develop educational intervention for the aware use of the internet and for the prevention of the Hikikomori syndrome and social withdrawal through creative and socializing artistic and robotic activities
- Train teachers and educators to identify the first signals of social withdrawal and to intervene to re-socialize the children
- Share good practices for the empowering of social skills and interests as a way to prevent the Hikikomori syndrome
- Create an educational community through the alliance of school, families and associations
- Develop an international network of educational institutions committed to prevent social withdrawal through creative recreational activities and educational community engagement
Members of the International Consortium
Complex of Schools and Special Institutions (Zespół Szkół I Placówek Specjalnych) Poland
Association ARID, Poland
Istituto Comprensivo di Bosco Chiesanuova – Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, Italy
University of Padua, Italy
Junta de Educacion Castilla y Leon, Spain
Panezys Provincial Educational Centre, Lithuania
KITE, Bulgaria
Moscow City University, Russian Federation
More information is available on the Out of the Net project card.
MCU project team

Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Head of the International Relations Department
Research Fellow, Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education
PhD, Linguistics
MCU experts to hold a workshop “Teacher as a psychologyst of student communities”
On November 11, MCU experts will present an online workshop “Teacher as a psychologist of student communities” as part of the international conference of the Erasmus+ project “Out of the Net”
MCU launched the new Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “Out of the Net”
In February 2021, Moscow City University joined the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “Out of the Net” which aims at preventing social withdrawal of school students.