
The research at Moscow City University is mostly focused on the issues in the fields of Education, Psychology, Linguistics, Social and Urban studies. MCU incorporates a Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education and a Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education that are solely dedicated to pursuing innovative research in teaching and learning, and promoting various participatory practices between educational institutions and urban communities. The newest scientific findings are published in The MCU’s Academic Journal, introduced in the Master’s degree and advanced professional training programmes.

You can learn more about the research undertaken at MCU by browsing the relevant scientific fields:

For cross-disciplinary research please visit the Laboratories page.

For international research conducted by MCU in collaboration with universities from around the globe please visit the International Research Progejcts page.

The administrative information about the research conducted at MCU is available on the page of the Department for Scientific Research and Development.

Key Research Projects

International Symposium 'Education and City'

The aim of the Symposium is to present the latest research findings in the fields of Education Quality and Urban Studies, and to promote collaboration between educational institutions, businesses, and municipal administrations. The Symposium offers a platform for informed scientific dialogue between researchers and educators from all over the world, and stimulates professional networking between the academic, business, administrative and urban communities. For more information please visit The Symposium’s website.

The Academic Journal of Moscow City University

The MCU Academic Journal was established in 2008 and is included in the list of Russian scientific journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. The Journal covers the issues of theoretical foundations, methods and directions of developing human and society’s potential. The Journal strives to involve academics, scientists and experts from all over the world in a high-level scientific debate in order to expand the journal’s geographical recognition.

Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogue

The Conference’s objective is to discuss interdisciplinary issues in the areas of linguistics, literary studies, translation studies, philosophy, linguodidactics, psychology, education, cultural studies, etc. related to the study of present-day digital communication, the dialogue of cultures, the culture of dialogue from the perspective of digital and media transformations of the communication culture and social practices. For more details please visit the Conference’s website.

Emerging Researchers

This track is supported by the MCU Strategy 2020-2025, offering grant support for young scholars, boosting their publishing activities by conducting informational workshops and seminars, involving emerging researchers in the research projects coordinated by experienced scientific supervisors. The key opportunities for emerging researchers are available here.

PhD Programmes

Moscow City University offers a wide range of trajectories for postgraduate training and research. Applicants are welcome to enroll in one of the 43 PhD programmes or join MCU as an external doctorate scholar. Doctorate scholars are assigned with scientific advisors to support them during their doctoral or postdoctoral research and dissertation defence to obtain a PhD degree or a Doctor of Sciences degree.

At MCU, 10 dissertation boards are functioning to provide scholars with the opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral defence in the research fields Education, Languages and Literatures, Psychology, Philosophy.

For more information please contact the Department for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research.

You can browse through the available PhD programmes here.

Facts & Figures










Institute of Foreign Languages at the international conference


Professors of the Institute of Foreign Languages partook in the international conference “Actual Problems of Modern Foreign Philology, Cross-Cultural Communication and Linguistics”

Elena Tareva won the “Dean of the Year” award


Elena Tareva, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages MCU, won the competition for the national award of the RPA “Dean of the Year”

Lecture on healthy posture


Speakers of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technology informed schoolchildren about the importance of a healthy spine