
MCU leadership at EdCrunch Glocal

On December 7, MCU Rector Igor Remorenko and Vice-Rector for Strategy Kirill Barannikov participated as sessions moderators in the EdCrunch Glocal Conference on new technologies in education. The topic of the Conference was “Learning Experience Design“. International experts shared experience in instructional design, discussed the future of education and the influence of new technologies as well as research achievements in the field of teaching and learning to bring unique ideas and discoveries to a wide audience.

Igor Remorenko moderated the report “Education in the Age of Innovation” by Tony Wagner, the first Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University. Tony Wagner discussed the issues of upbringing the generation of innovators which he touches upon in his most recent book “Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World“. In the book, Tony Wagner argues that parents, teachers, tutors, and employers have to create an environment where young people will be able to develop their innovation skills.

MCU Rector shared his opinion on the subject matter:

Education has overcome significant changes over the last two years. Countries have implemented varying learning models with the use of distance technologies. That’s why it is curious to analyze what set of competencies students possessed before the pandemic and how it has changed after COVID-19.

Kirill Barannikov moderated the tracks “The Thought Factory: from Business Practitioners to Educators” and “How to Bring and Develop Team of Educators: Experience of School Education Leadership“. The track “The Thought Factory: from Businessmen to Educators” was dedicated to the training of business practitioners for teaching in business schools. Andrey Zyatchin from The Graduate School of Management (GSOM) at St. Petersburg University, and Roman Sorokin, Advisory in VTB Bank, elaborated on the project “The Toolkit of Practitioner Educator“, developed by the teams of MCU, VTB Bank, and GSOM.

Kirill Barannikov told about the online constructor of educational programs designed within the project and digital content for teacher training:

The next step of the development of the approaches to developing practitioner educators’ teaching competencies and the implementation of the project “The Toolkit of Practitioner-Educator”. It is a digital solution, an online constructor which allows for the design of an educational program through a wide range of forms, simulators, assistants, and tips. At the same time, a user will learn new approaches to designing educational programs.

EdCrunch is the largest European conference on new technologies in education. It has been held since 2014 and brings together international experts in various fields who unite their efforts to disseminate cutting-edge ideas among those who teach and strive for development through new technologies.