
The teaching team of the Institute is represented by high profile internationally and nationally acclaimed researchers in Special Pedagogy, Special Psychology and related areas. The faculty report their research findings at national and international scientific conferences and forums on hearing, speech and intellectual impairments.

Dozens of books and teaching materials authored by our teaching team are on the programs in universities across Russia, some of them are translated into different languages.
Our academics authored a variety of monographs, papers on special pedagogy and psychology, didactic materials for practitioners in inclusive education.

The Institute runs a Dissertation Board on Education Sciences, where over 50 Candidate and 3 Doctoral dissertations have been defended.

Senior researchers of the Institute work as experts with

  • The Russian State Duma
  • The Moscow City Council
  • The Moscow Department of Education
  • The Education Council
  • The All-Russian Forum ‘Proactive Society. An Individual in the Spotlight’, focusing on training teachers for metropolitan educational institutions 

The Institute is proud of its student research society. Students enjoy the chance to make public distillations of their research at conferences, seminars, workshops, contests and olympiads.