The MCU team took second place in the V National Student Online Olympiad in Chinese Language “Linguistic Kung Fu,” held at the end of November, with results announced in the second half of December 2024.
We received long-awaited letters of gratitude and certificates based on the results of the V National Student Online Olympiad in Chinese Language “Linguistic Kung Fu,” which took place on November 28. The organiser of the Olympiad was the Department of Russian Language and Eastern Languages at the Siberian State Transport University.
The competition was held among 16 universities in three stages, where, in the third stage, team captains competed in a translation contest — this time translating a poem by Taiwanese poet Yang Mu.
This year, MCU was represented by two teams from the Department of Chinese Language, with representatives from various fields of study: “Oriental Studies and African Studies,” “Linguistics,” and “Pedagogical Education.” Following the Olympiad, the team led by Daria Khmeleva (team captain, VCK-222) and consisting of Valeria Simakova (KZ-223), Anna Grigorieva (PERK-222), Polina Kotelnikova (PERK-231), and Narmin Dzhafarova (VCK-224) secured 2nd place. Our second team took 10th place (out of 16).
The coordinator for MCU teams was Maria Smolova, associate professor of the Department of Chinese Language at the Institute of Foreign Languages of MCU, and a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
We congratulate the prizewinners and participants and wish them further success!
Photo: MCU