
VII Annual International Symposium «Education and City: Designing Development»

We invite you to partake in the VII Annual International Symposium Education and the City: Designing Development, which will be held in a mixed format on April 18-20, 2024, at Moscow City University (MCU).

Participants of the symposium can anticipate engaging in 4 discussion areas, exploring over 20 topics, experiencing diverse presentation formats, and connecting with hundreds of individuals who share a keen interest in the advancement of modern urban education. The following areas of discussion are planned:

1. University as a centre for urban research:

  • Digital urban studies and city analytics
  • A human in a city: research data
  • Skills for CityChangers
  • Digital simulators for learning
  • University as a science promoter
  • AI and other digital solutions for education

2. The learning space of a city:

  • A city as a source for learning and development
  • Incorporating urban issues into university’s training programmes
  • A child and an adult in a city
  • A cultural environment of a city and a citizen
  • Educational institutions and quality of living in a city
  • Lifelong learning in a city – citizen education to boost the quality of living
  • The linguistic landscape of a city
  • Internationalisation of the city space

3. The cultural environment of a big city as a space for innovative humanity-oriented projects:

  • University as a driver of social and humanitarian practices
  • Social entrepreneurship practices of city universities
  • Leadership and city changes
  • Rights to the City
  • Citizens as drivers of city change
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • AI for cyber security of the younger generation
  • The partnership between university, business, public and state institutions.

4. Professional development, city context:

  • Development of the professional human capacity in a modern city
  • Network communities as a tool for quality education development
  • Training and professional development of a modern teacher
  • Professional development and mentorship of newly employed teachers
  • Career tracks in education

If you are eager to participate in the symposium as a speaker, you should fill in an application form by March 1, 2024, where the report abstracts are submitted. If you want to be a listener, you should note “without a report” in the line “presentation formats”. All relevant information is provided on the official website of the event.


8 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya Street, Moscow City University, Moscow


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Photo: Freepik

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