
The 6th Scientific-Practical Conference “A Step into Science”

The MCU’s Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies invites undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students to participate in the 6th scientific-practical conference of young scientists “A Step into Science”.

The Conference will be held on December 23 in a blended format.

The Conference discussion issues include:

  • Student Initiatives in Solving Geographical Problems of Our Time;
  • Biology: Problems of Science and Education;
  • From Theories of Sports Communication Studies to Social and Communicative Practices in the World of Sports;
  • Innovative Technologies in Sports and Physical Education;
  • Current Trends in Physical Education and Life Safety in the Learning Environment;
  • Health-preserving and Health-forming Model of the Learning Environment.

Participation in the Conference is free of charge.

The speakers and participants of the Conference will be awarded electronic certificates.

The materials will be published in a certified electronic collection of papers registered in the RSCI database.

Participants of the Conference are welcome to submit their papers for publication which is free of charge including a free electronic copy of the collection.

See details about requirements to submitted papers, a template, and additional details in the information letter (in Russian).

Please apply for participation and send your abstracts via the email before December 15th.

Contact information of the Organizing Committee
1-3 Chechulina Street, Moscow, 105568
The Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies, Moscow City University
Chairperson — Elena Fedorova

Conference location: 1-3 Chechulina Street; Microsoft Teams

Start of the Conference: 10:00 Moscow time
Start of registration: 9:45 Moscow time