
The 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Psychology of Giftedness and Creativity”

On November 15, 2022 The 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Psychology of Giftedness and Creativity” will be held at the MCU’s Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education.

The Conference will take place in a blended format: the plenary session will be held in person at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, and the breakout sessions will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform.

The Conference will attract local and international researchers in the field of Psychology of giftedness and creativity to discuss fundamental and applied aspects of identification, support, development and education of gifted individuals at different stages of development.

The leading experts in the field of Psychology of giftedness and creativity will present their results at the Conference.

The discussion issues will include:

  • Interdisciplinary Studies of the Cognitive Sphere of a Gifted Personality (Alexander Savenkov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology)
  • Development of Children’s Giftedness (Lyudmila Larionova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor)
  • Diagnostics and Technologies of Teaching Children’s Giftedness (Elena Tzeblanova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Natalia Shymakova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor )
  • Reflexive and co-Creative Technologies for Development of Children’s Giftedness (Sergey Stepanov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor)
  • Professional Creative Productivity at the Stage of Acme (Vladimir Postavnev, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor)
  • Development of Mathematical Giftedness (Marina Romanova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor)
  • Development of Artistic Giftedness (Alexander Melik-Pashaev, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Alexey Nikitin,  Doctor of Education Sciences, Professor)
  • Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Preparing Teachers for Working with Gifted Students (Anna Lvova, Doctor of Education Sciences, Associate Professor)
  • Medical and Psychological Factors of Intellectual Giftedness and Academic Success of a Child in the Modern Educational Environment (Lyubov Rychkova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor)

Scientists, psychologists, teachers, educational practitioners, graduate and postgraduate students are welcome to participate in the Conference as listeners.

All participants will receive a certificate.

If you are interested in participating in the Conference, please register here until November 8, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Kosiak, the executive secretary of the Conference via e-mail at

Languages of the Conference: Russian, English.

The event starts at 11:00 Moscow time.

Location: 16 Stolyarny pereulok, Moscow; Microsoft Teams.