CReLES – Supporting Culturally Responsive Leadership and Evaluation in Schools (In progress 2019–2022)
Project ID 2019-1-IE01-KA201-051419
In 2019 MCU became engaged in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project Supporting Culturally Responsive Leadership and Evaluation in Schools (CReLES), which relates to the increased immigration into the countries of Europe with the consequent range of diversity of cultures among students in schools.
In line with the current influx of migrants and refugees to Europe and the international Sustainable Development Goal of inclusive and equitable education for all, this project aims to prioritise the inclusive education of migrant students and the school leadership that facilitates that inclusive education.
This project focuses on the support and strategies needed in all levels of school leadership in order to facilitate the needs of a diverse multicultural classroom and a diverse multicultural school. The main objective of the project is the enhanced school inclusion of students with a migration background through the identification and dissemination of innovative practice in culturally responsive school leadership, the development of frameworks for the evaluation of culturally responsive leadership as well as the provision of high-quality training resources in the form of leader training and the development of a MOOC for school leaders and those interested stakeholder groups outside of the project.
- Identification and dissemination of innovative practice in culturally responsive school leadership,
- Development of frameworks for the evaluation of culturally responsive leadership,
- Provision of high-quality training resources in the form of leader training
- Development of a MOOC for school leaders and those interested stakeholder groups outside of the project.
Members of the International Consortium
EQI (The Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection), Dublin City University, Ireland – project leader
Moscow City University, Russia
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
University of Salamanca, Spain
More information is available on the CReLES project website.
MCU project team

Deputy Director, Head of the Laboratory of Child Development
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Psychology, Associate Professor

Head of the International Relations Department
Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Child Development
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Psychology

Research Fellow, Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education
PhD, Linguistics
MCU researchers published a Scopus article on culturally responsive school leadership
Review of a newly published Scopus paper by a team of MCU and international researchers
The 4th Annual International Symposium Education and City: Day 2
Follow-up of the 2nd day of the International Symposium Education and City
Multicultural School: a cross-country study
International speakers will discuss culturally responsive practices in schools at the Education and City Symposium
The CRELES website launched in four languages
In November 2020, the CRELES project team launched the international versions of the project website.
Successful interim evaluation of the CReLES project
The Erasmus+ project CReLES conducted by MCU and partner universities has been successfully evaluated by the National Agency.
The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ International Consortium at MCU
In 2019 MCU entered the Erasmus+ International Consortium to build a framework for supporting culturally responsive leadership in European and Russian schools.