
Language and Personality in a Multidisciplinary Perspective

On 16-17 December 2022, the international scientific-practical conference “Language and Personality in a Multidisciplinary Perspective” will take place. It is organized in partnership with MCU, The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, and Agency for Social and Humanitarian Technologies.

The Conference will include tracks on the following topics:

  • Methodology of Multidisciplinary Studies of Language and Personality
  • Personality as Text
  • Verbal communication as a Social Construction
  • Linguistic Means of Political Person’s Identity
  • The Personality of the Linguist in the Language System
  • Culture in Personality and Language

The Conference will include plenary lectures (up to 15 min.), presentations in sessions (up to 10 min.), as well as remote participation.

The proceedings of the Conference will be published as a collection of articles and abstracts.

The address and format of the Conference will be announced later on the websites of the organizers:,,

To register as a speaker, please send an application and abstracts to until December 1, 2022.

You can find all the information about the Conference on the website.

If you have any questions, please contact Polina Novikova at