
International Workshop on Globalisation of Teacher Education at MCU

The MCU’s Institute of Digital Education announces the 3rd International Russian-Kazakh Scientific Workshop Digital University: Globalization of Teacher Education that will be held on January 17, 2020. The Workshop is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of MCU and is arranged in collaboration with the international research laboratory of informatization of education and learning technologies at Abai University, Kazakhstan, and Krasnoyarsk Teachers’ Training University named after Astafiev.

The Workshop features academics and education practitioners from Russia and Kazakhstan with expertise in teachers’ training within digitized environments. The issues focus upon the development and application of digital technologies for capacity building of a modern teachers’ training university.

Key discussion issues

  • Cooperation within the Eurasian Union in the field of digital technologies for teachers’ training
  • Approaches to integrated digitalization of a teachers’ training university
  • Training of teachers and students in efficient use of digital technologies in education 

If you would like to participate as speaker, please send an abstract of your report at by January 13, 2020.

Register as listener here.


Academic Council Hall, 5th floor, MCU Main building, 4 Vtoroy Selskohoziajstvenny proezd, Moscow.

Contact person

Julia Nizyaeva, e-mail: