
International Conference on Educational Assessment

On October 13–14, 2022 the 11th Annual International Conference of the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO) devoted to the managing quality of education through assessment will take place. It is organized in partnership with MCU, the HSE Institute of Education and the Rossiya Segodnya “Social Navigator” Project. About 250 CIS professionals will partake in the Conference.

Victor Bolotov, EAOKO President, member of the Russian Academy of Education says:

Discussing educational quality management in the context of assessment is essential in order to transfer to evidence-based educational policy.


The focus of the Conference is on using cooperative contextual assessment results to make a positive impact on educational equality.

MCU Rector, Igor Remorenko, notes that the future of various State Exams and their validity will also be one of the more important problems addressed at the Conference.

A variety of scientific reports discussing the issues of assessment-based alternative decision making in political and administrative spheres will be included in the Conference programme.

If you are an expert or a researcher in the field of educational assessment, please register for the Conference here.

The Conference will be held in a blended format.

For any further questionshe Conference participation, please contact Ivan Nikitin (