
Gusev Readings – 2024

The Institute of Humanities of Moscow City University invites everyone to take part in the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Gusev Readings – 2024. Three Dimensions of Russian Political History: Ideology, Politics, Practices”,  dedicated to the memory of one of the greatest Russian scholars of the XX century, Kirill Vladimirovich Gusev.

Politicians, public figures, scientists, teachers, students of all levels of education, as well as all persons interested in understanding the problems of political history are invited to participate in the Conference.




Face-to-face form with the use of remote technologies.

The program of the Conference, information on face-to-face participation, and connection using remote technologies will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the application form during registration.

The following organisations are represented at the Conference:

Objectives of the Conference:

  • organisation of modern scientific dialogue on the problems of political, social, and intellectual history
  • consolidation of efforts of the scientific and pedagogical professional community aimed at the interpretation and representation of historical knowledge in the process of teaching modern humanities disciplines
  • development of interregional and international scientific cooperation
  • incorporation of historical memory into the context of modern culture

Main areas of the Conference are:

  • political institutions and processes in history
  • historiography, source studies, methodology and methods of studying political history
  • political history in culture and art
  • political portraits and biography
  • historical didactics: content and technologies

Conference programme will include:

  • Character in History and History in Character discussion in the format of a plenary session
  • work in groups, roundtables and discussion platforms


Based on the results of the Conference, the materials of the presentations will be freely published in the form of articles as part of a collection of scientific papers of the conference and entered into the RSCI database. The Organising Committee of the Conference reserves the right to select the most significant articles for publication in the MCU Journal of Historical Studies (included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation). 

Authors of articles and scientific supervisors of students are responsible for their content and accuracy of translation of abstracts, keywords and bibliographic data.

There is no registration fee for participation in the Conference. Travel and accommodation of out-of-town and foreign participants is provided at the expense of the sending party.

Applications for participation

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until 1 March 2024, while texts of articles for publication are accepted until 24 April 2024 by email: Articles are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the MCU Journal of Historical Studies.

Executive Secretary of the Organising Committee:
+7 (916) 260-69-68
Darya Shulgina –


4 Vtoroy Selskohoziajstvenny proezd, Moscow (MCU Institute of Humanities)