
Conference “Interdisciplinarity in Science: Problems and Prospects”

March 13, 2023 at 17.30 Moscow City University based on the Universitywide Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Institute of Humanities is holding the XIII Interuniversity Postgraduate Conference Interdisciplinarity in Science: Problems and Prospects.

The conference will look at the possibility of and the need for interdisciplinarity in scientific research, discuss interdisciplinary approaches as well as problems and perspectives of interdisciplinarity in science.

To participate in the conference, please submit an application form by 5 March 2023 containing information about the participant, topic of the presentation, keywords (5-6) and an abstract (300-500 characters) (see Annex) to

The Organising Committee reserves the right to reject applications that do not correspond to the theme, profile and scientific level of the conference.