
New Formats of Teachers’ Professional Development

On May 27, an online session New Formats of Teachers’ Professional Development will be held within the 5th Annual International Symposium Education and City: The Third Mission of the University. Andrey Ioffe, Head of the Laboratory of Human Potential Development in Education at the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education will moderate the session.

New requirements for teachers’ competencies define new teachers’ demands regarding the forms of professional training: face-to-face training is combined with e-learning, facilitated and interactive lectures are offered, practice-oriented interaction is introduced, etc. New formats stimulate active interaction in small groups, which in fact is a prerequisite for teachers to join professional communities. Conceiving the need to search for new formats of teachers’ professional development, the speakers will discuss the following questions:

  • What professional development formats answer the needs and demands of teachers?
  • What are the expectations and culture-specific elements of teacher professional development?
  • What is the learning community of teachers and why is it becoming a new format for their professional development?
  • What is the role of a mentor in the teacher’s professional development?

Please note that several events will be broadcast simultaneously on different channels. The link to connect is available in the Symposium’s program.

All up-to-date information is available on the official page of the event.

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