
10th Annual International EAOKO Conference

On October 22—23, the 10th Annual International EAOKO Conference will be held by the Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment (EAOKO), Moscow City University, HSE University, Russia Education Aid for Development (READ), and Social Navigator Project by the Rossiya Segodnya news agency. The Conference will bring together more than 250 international experts, leading organizations, education development institutes, and agencies for education quality assessment. The participants of the Conference will discuss two topical issues:

  • The 10th anniversary of the unified exams in the former Soviet countries;
  • National and international monitoring surveys: the special aspects of organizing and using the results.

National exams and monitoring surveys are among the crucial objectives of the systems of education quality assessment, and it is especially important to analyze their efficiency.

Igor Shiyan, Deputy Head of the MCU’s Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education, shared his thoughts on international monitoring surveys:

They allow us to gain valuable insights into the state of the education system, its advantages and weak points. It is important to use this information for the development of the education system.

The Conference will include plenums, webinars, thematic sessions, and roundtables. Reports on the key topics will be complemented by presentations within supplementary thematic sessions:

  • Assessment of soft skills;
  • Proctoring within the procedure of education quality assessment;
  • Cross-country projects and programs for education quality assessment: examples and features.

The organizers of the Conference expect that concerted efforts of the participants will not only significantly contribute to the elaboration on the questions raised but also to the development of guidelines on the enhancement of the systems of education quality assessment.

The most prospective reports of the Conference will be included in an issue of the “Education Quality in Eurasia” journal.