
Wei-Chin Tseng at the 2nd International Symposium

Wei-Chin Tseng, Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Science, University of Taipei, will give a presentation “The impact of cardiometabolic health on cognitive function in elderly after community-based health promotion program and physical education” within the 2nd Annual International Symposium “Education and City: Participation Practices”, to be held from 16 to 18 May 2019.

This study was a secondary analysis with retrospective cohort study design, and 138 participants (72.2±2.2 years) were involved. Several cardio metabolic (CM) risks are believed to associate with poorer cognitive ability. However, how CM influenced on cognitive function in elders after exercise remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of CM risks on cognitive function in the case of aerobic fitness improvement after 8 weeks community-based health promotion program (CBP) and physical education in community elderly. Montreal Cognitive Assessment was measured as cognitive function and extracted to compare the difference between a cluster of CM risks and none of these risks after 8 weeks CBP.


5B Malyj Kazennyj pereulok, Moscow, Institute of Foreign Languages.