
The Geographical Dictation 2021

About the event

On November 14, The Geographical Dictation will be held online in Russia and abroad.

The President of Russia has initiated such a large-scale international educational campaign. It is being held by the Russian Geographical Society for the seventh time and MCU is traditionally a regional platform for Geographical Dictation.

The pre-registration form for participants at the MCU’s platform is available at the link. An individual link to the Geographical Dictation form will be sent to the email address, which will be valid for a limited period of time: from 12 to 13 o’clock local time on November 14.

Work schedule of the MСU’s platform

  • 11:00 — starting of the work;
  • 11:00-12:00 – connecting participants to the meeting in Microsoft Teams. Screening of popular science films, videos about geography presented by the Russian Geographical Society;
  • 11:30-11:50 – presentation of training directions in geographical profiles at MCU’s Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies in 2022
  • 12:00-12:15 – start of the Dictation: quiz-warm-up, instruction on filling out forms for writing Dictation tasks;
  • 12:15-13:00 – Dictation writing (using an individual link);
  • 13:00-13:10 – sending completed dictation forms and receiving an individual form number (code) to get acquainted with the Dictation results;
  • 13:10 – closing of the dictation platform.
  • 13:10-13:30 – schoolchildren and all participants of the dictation are invited to a lecture-conversation “Geography in Moscow City Univesity” (lecturers and students of the MCU’s Department of Geography and Tourism will speak on geographical training at MCU and answer questions about the directions and conditions of geographical training).

Link to the team is available in Microsoft Teams

MCU invites everybody interested to test your geographical knowledge, feel the atmosphere of intellectual competition, and join the fascinating world of geography again.

More detailed information about the work of the MCU’s platform is available:

  • at the Department of Geography and Tourism of the MCU’s Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies
    (Chechulina str., 1. k. 308);
  • Phone +7 (499) 748-58-92, +7 (915) 150-58-08;
  • Email:

Contact personnel:

Information about Dictation at the MCU’s platform is available on the Russian Geographical Society’s official website.


Microsoft Teams