Veronika Nikitina
- demchenkov@mgpu.ru
- 8 (495) 607-38-57
Research Profile
- semantics
- translation and translation studies
Practical Course of Cross-Cultural Communication
Practical Course of Oral and Written Speech
Introduction to Linguistics
Speech Strategies and Tactics to Engage the Audience
Introduction to Linguistics
Corporate Interaction Strategies
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Awards and Accomplishments
1) She was a scientific supervisor of an undergraduate student (Anastasia E. Bragina), who won the 3rd International Competition named after A.V. Fedorov “Translator-creativity and enlightenment” in the nomination “Didactics of Translation” 2020.
2) She is a winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2021 in the nomination “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES”
Education and Degrees
Higher education, s
Selected Publications
ORCID ID 0000−0003−0684−6659 Veronika V. Nikitina
eLibrary 5380−7182
Nikitina V. Verification Potential Of Educational Search Technologies (Big Data) In Semantic Research.Dialogue of Cultures — Culture of Dialogue: from Conflicting to Understanding European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences volume 95.2020, pp. 665−672.
Employment History
Since February 2020, she has been a member of the Association of Teachers of Translation.
Since 2017, she participates in the educational social program “Silver University” and the development of elective courses.
Furthermore, she participated in international conferences:
1) International Scientific Conference “From Word to Discourse: Interaction of Forms and (not) Predictability of Meanings” (April 12-13, 2023, Minsk, Republic of Belarus);
2) International Conference International Technology, Education and Development Conference (March 8th-9th, 2021, Valencia, Spain);
3) II International Scientific and practical conference “Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogue: from Conflict to Mutual Understanding” (April 24, 2020, Moscow, Russia).