Sergey Grigoriev
- +7 (495) 618-40-33
- grigorsg@mgpu.ru
Methodology of Scientific Research
Mathematical Methods in Scientific Research
History of Russian Engineering
Fundamentals of Electronics
Programming Languages and Methods
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Awards and Accomplishments
Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.
Honorary doctor of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for merits in scientific and pedagogical activity, personal contribution in training of highly qualified specialists; diploma of the Russian Academy of Education for organizing and conducting the e-voting; honorary diploma of the Moscow Department of Education for the contribution to training and teaching activities; honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El for the contribution in training; diploma of Moscow Pedagogical State University; diploma in connection with the 15th anniversary of Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Selected Publications
The application of Galerkin methods for the solution of one-phase Stefan problems.- The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree Phys.-Mat. Kazan, KSU, 1982, 130 p.
Implementation of logical programming system for personal computers with limited resources and its application. – Thesis for the degree of doctor of technical Sciences,M.MIP, 1993,186 p.
Employment History
In 1975 graduated from the faculty of computing and control systems of the Kazan Aviation Institute with a degree in Applied Mathematics. In 1982, after postgraduate study at Kazan State University, defended the candidate of mathematical sciences thesis on the topic “Application of the Galerkin method for solving a one-phase Stefan problem” by the speciality “Computational Mathematics” (01.01.07). In 1993, after doctoral study at St. Petersburg State University, defended the doctor of technical sciences thesis “Implementation of logical programming systems for computers with limited resources” and received the doctoral degree in “Software of computers, complexes, systems and networks” (05.13.11).
In 2007 was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education.
Head of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Digital Education at Moscow City University (MCU).
Taught at various universities around Russia, worked as head of the Institute of Informatization of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of Informatization of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, head of the Center of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education (ISMO RAO), Director of the MCU’s Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Managed and participated in more than 25 research projects in the field of information technology in the education system at the international, federal and regional levels.
Under the guidance and advice of Sergey Grigoriev, 23 candidate of science and 12 doctor of science theses were defended.
Chairman of the MCU’s Dissertation Council D850.007.03. Member of the Dissertation Council D008.013.03 at the Federal Budget Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education”.
Member of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Council for the formation of control and measuring materials of the Unified State Exam in Informatics.
Author of about 300 scientific works, including textbooks and manuals for schools and universities, monographs published in Russia and abroad.
The h-index is 12 (within the E-Library).
Chief editor of the journals: MCU Vestnik, series “Informatics and Informatization of education” and ” Informatics and education”, member of the editorial boards of the journals RUDN Vestnik, series “Informatization of education”and “Computer at school and family” (Kiev, Ukraine).
Participated in more than 150 international, all-Union, all-Russian and regional conferences. Chairman of the program committees of the annual international conference “Infostrategy”, the International Congress of conferences “Information Technologies in Education”(ITO), participated in the international conference “EDUSUMMIT” in 2013 (Washington, US) and in 2017 (Borovets, Bulgaria), the SITE—2018 Conference (Washington, US).
SPIN: 1975-9111
AuthorID: 121976
OrcID: 0000-0002-0034-9224 (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0034-9224)
Scopus Author ID: 57192955196