Oxana Znamenskaya
- ZnamenskayaO@mgpu.ru
Selected Publications
Kseniya A. Bazenova, & Oksana V. Znamenskaya. (2017). Teacher’s beliefs as a factor of individual progress of pupil. IFTE 2017 – 3rd international forum on teacher education: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Т. 29 (pp. 100-108.). https://www.europeanproceedings.com/files/data/article/70/2250/article_70_2250_pdf_100.pdf
Gorbov S.F., Konobeeva T.A., Novikova T.V., Nezhnov P.G., Znamenskaya O.V., & Likontseva V.G. (2017). Obnovlenie soderzhanija osnovnogo obshhego obrazovanija. Matematika [Updating the Secondary General Education Content. Mathematics]. Мoscow: Non-profit Partnership «Authors’ Club». https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30623015
Bazhenova K.A., & Znamenskaya O.V. (2017). Ubezhdenija uchitelja kak faktor individual’nogo progressa uchenika [Teacher’s beliefs as a factor of individual progress of pupil]. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v izmenjajushhemsja mire. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov III Mezhdunarodnogo foruma po pedagogicheskomu obrazovaniju [Teacher Training in the Changing World. Proceedings of the 3rd International Forum on Teacher Training] (pp. 76-84). https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29789448
Bazhenova K.A., & Znamenskaya O.V. Urovnevaja model’ osvoenija predmetnogo dejstvija na materiale programmirovanija [Level Model of Mastering Competencies Based on Information Science]. Information Science and Education, 5 (284), 18-22. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29426153
Rutskaya K.A., Znamenskaya O.V., Rutskiy V.N., Tsarev R.Yu., Everstova V.N., Gogoleva I.V., & Owais A.K. (2020). Mastering software engineering with the help of the level model of competencies acquisition. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43062501