Lana Zurabova
Post: Associate Professor
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology
- ZurabovaLR@mgpu.ru
- elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=875499
Research Profile
- dialectology
- bilingualism
- switching language codes
- language policy of Canada
- Canadian studies
Practical Course of Oral and Written Communication
Practical Course of Cross-Cultural Communication
Introduction to Linguistics
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2017
Education and Degrees
Higher education:
- Specialist’s Degree – Regional specialist (with knowledge of English and French)
- Master’s Degree in Linguistics (programme – Foreign Languages in Modern Cross-Cultural Communication)
- Postgraduate Degree in Linguistics and LiteraryStudies (programme – Theory of Language in the Context of an Actual Episteme)
Regional Studies
Linguistics and Literary Studies
Linguistics and Literary Studies
Total Period of Employment
Since 2011
Selected Publications
Employment History
She participated in the federal programme Priority-2030 and in the competition for the Moscow Government Prize for Young Scientists in 2022 .