Georgii Samorodin
Post: Senior Lecturer
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology
- samorodingv@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-26-46
Research Profile
- lexicology of the German language
- cognitive-discursive paradigm
- field theory in linguistics
- theoretical grammar of the German language
- linguoaxiology
- digital technologies in linguistic research
- Lexical-Grammatical Practice in the First Foreign Language (German)
- Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language (German)
- Linguistic and Regional Studies of Germany
- Practice of the First Foreign Language Translation
- Digital Technologies in Linguistics
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2020
Education and Degrees
Higher education, Postgraduate Degree (researcher, lecturer)
44.03.01 Pedagogy
45.04.02 Linguistics
45.06.01 Linguistics and Literary studies (Germanic Languages)
45.04.02 Linguistics
45.06.01 Linguistics and Literary studies (Germanic Languages)
Total Period of Employment
Since 2017
Selected Publications
Employment History
He works within the framework of the scientific school Cognitive-Discursive Paradigm in Linguistics, explores the verbalisation of emergency situations and he regularly improves his qualifications. Besides, he interned at the Freie Waldorfschule Dresden, participated in the joint project Landeskunde und Neue Medien (Dresden University of Technology, Germany).