Elizaveta Shchegortsova
Post: Assistant Lecturer
- Shchegortsovaea@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-72-67
Practical Course of the Pronunciation Culture of the English language
Theoretical Phonetics
Theory and Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication
Practical Course of Oral and Written Communication (English)
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2021
Education and Degrees
Higher education:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Peadgogy (English)
- Master’s Degree in Text Technologies: Creating and Editing Texts in English
45.04.02 Linguistics
Total Period of Employment
Since 2019
Selected Publications
Employment History
In 2018-2019, she completed an internship at the University of Nottingham (Nottingham, England). In 2019, she became the winner of the Moscow Teacher Certificate project.