Elena Malygina
Post: Senior Lecturer
- MaliginaEV@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-38-57
Research Profile
- methods of teaching English Language
Practical Course of Second Foreign Language
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2006
Education and Degrees
Higher education (teacher of English and Spanish languages)
Foreign Languages
Total Period of Employment
Since 1986
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
Professional development programs:
- “Development and Examination of Electronic Modules of Pedagogical Education Programs”, MCU
- “Features of the Infrastructure and Educational Resources of the Moscow Electronic School”, MCU (24 hours, March 12 – April 02, 2018)
- “Professional and Technical Translation of Documentation Using Modern Technologies”, Southwestern State University, Kursk (72 hours, December 14, 2020)
Selected Publications
AuthorID: 375 907
Employment History
Participates in the jury of Olympiads:
- “All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in English” (regional stage)
- “Teacher for the School of Future” (which is included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Education)
- “Competition of Schoolchildren of the Chelyabinsk University Educational District in English” (regional stage)