TTTNet – Tempus Teamwork, Training and Technology Network (2013–2017, finished)
Project ID 540029-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-COMENIUS-CNW
Project Description
European economy faced the need for employees with advanced relevant skills. However, education and training systems failed to provide students with the skills which would enable them to be entrepreneurial and adaptive to changes in the labour market. Besides, teachers needed training in the following fields:
- The use of new technologies;
- Improvement in acquiring new competencies;
- Promotion of diversity and inclusion;
- Meeting the needs of disadvantaged learners, including those with disabilities or from a migrant background.
The Tempus Teamwork, Training and Technology Network Project attempted to solve the issues through achieving the following aims:
- To implement process-oriented learning approaches, such as problem-solving or research-in-action, to support and develop students’ creativity;
- To involve science and math teachers as promoters of those processes;
- To promote approaches that encourage students’ activity in the classroom and increase their willingness to engage in further learning, which would contribute to training multi-skilled employees;
- To summarize appropriate practices, identify innovations, and implement those findings in education policies.
Project Objectives
- To collect information and carry out comparative studies of existing efficient practices in attractive and inspiring science education, produced by European projects, networks, and practitioners;
- To identify applicable innovations and methodologies in science education, which would contribute to fostering and sustaining learners’ interest towards sciences and scientific carrier;
- To support visibility and promote the implementation of the identified resources and methodologies in general education by providing increased access through an online repository at the network portal website, classroom monitoring and guidance, 12 cascading seminars, 6 e-newsletters, etc.
- To arrange 3 International Network Conferences, which would provide a platform for presenting the identified practices, resources, and innovations, as well as networking, debating, and cooperating between educational practitioners, scientific researchers, employers, and other stakeholders;
- To produce Policy recommendations as a driving step towards implementation of best principles and strategies for innovation-empowered science education.
Project Consortium
Polo Europeo della Conoscenza — I.C. Lorenzi-Fumane, Italy — Beneficiary
Center for Creative Training Association, Bulgaria — Project Coordinator
Institutul Pentru Educatie, Romania
Doga Schools, Turkey
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences — Ph.D. Research Career Development Centre, Bulgaria
Foundation for Research and Technology — Forth Hellas, Greece
The University of Stavanger, Norway
Gaming Entertainment Ltd., Bulgaria
Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centers, Spain
Moscow City University, Russia
MCU project team

Head of the Laboratory of Social and Psychological Research in Education, Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology
Doctor of Psychology, Full Professor

Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Director of The Project Design Center “Start Pro”
Candidate of Education Sciences