Larisa Vikulova
- vikulovalg@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-76-37
Research Profile
- discourse
- pragmatic linguistics
- history of language
- cultural linguistics
History of French Language
Theory of Communication
Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural Communication
Phenomenology of Printed Text
Basic Rules of Scientific Discussion: Communication Culture
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Awards and Accomplishments
- honorary certificate of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR (1988)
- title of the Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2002)
- title of the Honorar Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (2018)
- Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (France, 2006)
- Officer of the Order of Academic Palms (France, 2017)
- title of the Honorary Professor of MCU and Person of the Year of MCU (2022)
Education and Degrees
Higher education
1971 − specialist’s degree (high school teacher of French and English languages), Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Ho Chi Minh
1974 − higher pedagogical courses (RGPU of A.I. Herzen)
1981 − postgraduate study (RGPU of A.I. Herzen, 1981)
Total Period of Employment
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
Professional development programs:
- Novelistics in the Era of Polylinguism (MGLU, 2021)
- Digital Communication in the Global World: Practices of Interpersonal and Cross-Cultural Interaction (MCU, 2022)
- Pedagogical Discourse in the Modern Scientific Paradigm and Educational Practice (MCU, 2023)
Selected Publications
AuthorID: 73 483 (Russian Science Citation Index)
SPIN 1852−9181
ORCID 0000−0003−1176−1668
Scopus ID 57 191 281 867
Researcher ID ABK 40−39−2022 (Web of Science)
Some of the articles:
Zheltukhina, M.R., Vikulova, L.G., Serebrennikova, E.F., Gerasimova, S.A. and Borbotko, L.A.
International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 17. P. 10413—10422. - NAMING AS INSTRUMENT OF STRENGTHENING OF THE DYNAMIC POWER IN THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES (FRANCE, ENGLAND, Vth–XIth CENTURIES)
Zheltukhina, M.R., Vikulova, L.G., Slyshkin, G.G., Vasileva, E.G.
International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 14. P. 7195—7205. - EXTERNAL LEGITIMATION OF SCIENCE IN FRANCE IN XVII CENTURY
Vikulova, L.G.
Scientific Newsletter Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Research. 2015. No. 2 (9). P. 89—98.
Employment History
She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic The Paratext of the French Literary Fairy Tale: the Pragmalinguistic Aspect (2001). Since 1981 she has been participating in the scientific conference of the School-seminar named after L.M. Skrelina − Man and his Language. Nevertheless, she has repeatedly participated in international conferences, symposiums, and world congresses (Bulgaria, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Vietnam, Mongolia, and France) and made reports in French.
- member of Société Internationale du Diachronie du Français − SIDF
- member of the editorial board of scientific journals:
- Academic Journal of Moscow City University. Series: Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education
- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- South Ural State University Bulletin. Series: Linguistics
- Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin
- reviewer of:
- Crede Experto: Transport, Society, Education, Language
- Monographs and Collections (2013−present)