
The Institute of Psychology and Comprehensive Rehabilitation was founded in 2012 to succeed the Department of Special Pedagogy. It is a reputable academic institution which trains teaching staff for metropolitan educational, healthcare and welfare system.

The objective of the Institute is to train the teaching staff to work with differently abled children in line with urgent social demands for promoting inclusive education. The Institute is the best choice for those who feel the calling to empower differently abled people to realize their full potential in all spheres of life.

The Institute aims to instill proactive standing and socially-oriented approach to life in the students. They take part in the International Disability Day as a part of their volunteer work, support pre-school and secondary school special needs educational institutions, arrange concerts for differently abled children. Outside the classroom, students participate in popular social activities, cultural events and contests: ‘Friendship’ festival, ‘Festos’, Student initiation ceremony. We offer a dynamic community of researchers and practitioners willing to equip students with relevant experience and expertise.

Career Prospects

Our graduates enjoy diverse career prospects and are successful in their professional advancement. Nearly all graduates pursue careers in top-ranking educational, healthcare and welfare establishments, orphanages, psychological, medical and welfare support centers, centers for psychological rehabilitation, rehabs, hospitals, continuing education institutions, etc.
Over 25 graduates continue their training with the Institute’s post-graduate programmes, combining it with teaching at the Institute.
Over 50 graduates secured executive and managerial jobs in various comprehensive, special needs and inclusive educational institutions of Moscow.
A number of our graduates have won The Teacher of the Year Moscow City grants.

Practical Training

We aim to equip students with relevant skills and hands-on experience. In their first year students foster pedagogical and logopaedic practical skills in the following partner organizations: special needs (correctional) educational institutions, psychological, healthcare and welfare centres, pedagogical colleges and universities of Moscow and other cities. Students combine academic, research and teaching internships as well as continuing internship in the form of round-table discussions, conferences, workshops, presenting distillations of research projects, etc.


Our facilities include 13 multimedia classes and an assembly hall equipped with cutting-edge technologies (including interactive whiteboards). Thus, we create a diverse learning environment where professors and students can benefit from using multimedia equipment presenting home assignments and research projects at lectures, seminars and practical classes. These facilities are also used for conferences, round-table discussions, workshops with students, the teaching staff and other employees.


Our library features a selection of videos as learning material on teaching differently abled children of all age groups. The library funds counting 33423 books meet all the educational standards.

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