Committee on Research Ethics in Psychology and Education
The Committee focuses on the development of professionally acceptable ethical standards of scientific research in Psychology and Education as well as monitoring of their compliance. The Committee is engaged in promoting the basic ethical research principles, which comprise, inter alia, freedom of scientific creativity, rational skepticism, objectivity and evidence, publicity of research results, respect for copyright and intellectual property right, respect of the research participants’ rights and freedoms.
The Committee shares the regulations presented in the WMA Declaration of Helsinki (2013) and The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010), as well as the guidelines by The Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE and by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers.
The Committee’s work is aimed at:
- developing recommendations on ethical research principles and norms;
- administrating scientific research to ensure research integrity;
- instructing and counseling scholars on ethical research regulation;
- examining the projected empirical studies, scientific papers, research and experimental development, from the ethical point;
- preventing and resolving ethical conflicts relating to research.
The Committee fosters its efforts to control ethical risks and prevent ethical violations of:
- the research participants’ rights and freedoms;
- research organization and conduct;
- preparation and publication of scientific papers.
The Committee is intended to encourage the researcher’s reputational responsibility to the scientific community and the entire society.
address: Room 314, 16-1 Stolyarny pereulok, Moscow, 123022

Alexey Dvoynin
- +7 (499) 253-05-48 (add. 114)