Expert Council
The Expert Council fulfils the following tasks:
- Generating prospective proposals on updating the learning content with regard to the services of The Moscow Electronic School (The MES);
- Discussing modifications of the thematic framework of The MES;
- Discussing and determining diversified learning outcomes to plan working programs;
- Discussing deficit and complicated issues of educational content;
- Developing methodological and technological solutions as instructional guidelines for teachers;
- Expert evaluation and drafting technical specifications to develop The MES software;
- Expert evaluation of technical specifications on the design of advanced monitoring toolsets for the new learning outcomes assessment;
- Evaluation of experimental work of schools that are engaged in pilot-testing of the new MES elements.
The Council brings together:
- Leading teachers of educational institutions in Moscow;
- Experts on the development of the Thematic Framework at the Institute of Education Content, Methods, and Technology;
- Experts in subject areas;
- Authors of training packages;
- The teaching staff of leading universities;
- Researchers and experts in the field of education.

Igor Remorenko
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Olesya Lukashuk
Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

Maria Soboleva
Specialist at the Office of Educational Content Analysis, Executive Secretary of the Expert Council for Development of The MES General Education Content