
DCCD’20 Conference at MCU

This week The Institute of Foreign Languages holds The 2nd International academic and practical conference Dialogue of Cultures. Culture of Dialogues: From Conflicting to Understanding (DCCD’20) in the online format. The conference features video reports on topical issues by the prominent international and Russian researchers, online round-table discussions and plenary sessions. The speakers include professors from Spain, Georgia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Poland, Belarus, Denmark and other countries.

Visit the website of the Conference to join live sessions and scientific discussions. You can ask your questions using a special feedback form and connect with the keynote speakers for the final discussion on April 25.

Topic areas

  • The fundamentals of cross-cultural dialogue
  • Communication patterns for the dialogue of cultures
  • Theory and practice of intercultural approach to studying
  • The issues of culture, ethics, law, polyvalence in society