Vladislav Kruglov
- kruglovv@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495)614-87-23
Research Profile
- Chinese linguistics
- methods of teaching Chinese
- linguistic didactics of Chinese
Linguistic and Regional Studies of China
Regional Studies of China
Linguistic and Regional Studies
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Awards and Accomplishments
In academic years 2017/18 and 2018/19, he was a laureate of the Moscow Government grant in Education.
In 2020, he was awarded a diploma of the Moscow Government for personal merits contributing to the implementation of promising areas in the education and upbringing of the younger generation of Moscow.
Education and Degrees
Candidate of the degree of PhD in Philology (10.02.22 Languages of the Peoples of Foreign Countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Aborigines of America and Australia)
Master’s degree in Asian and African Studies (MSU)
Master’s degree in Pedagogy (MCU)
Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Regional Studies (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
Total Period of Employment
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
- “Classical Confucianism”, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2018, 2019)
- “Taoism in Traditional China”, Macau University (2018, 2019)
- “Confucianism in Modern China”, Peking University (2018, 2019)
- “Rethinking Early Chinese Historiography” Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2019)
- “Modern Literature and Culture of Asian Countries”, František Palacki Olomouc University (2019)
- “Legacy of Dunhuang”, Dunhuang Academy (2019)
- “Greater China”, Chinese University of Hong Kong (online, 2020)
- “Teaching Chinese in Russia”, Beijing International College of Chinese (online, 2020)
Professional development programs:
- “Chinese for Special Purposes”, Moscow State Linguistic University (2019, 2020)
- “Training Program for Members of the Subject Commission During the State Final Certification of Educational Programs of Secondary General Education in Chinese in 2019”, Moscow (2019)
- “Topical Issues of Chinese Linguistics and Linguistic Didactics”, MGIMO (2019)
- “Technologies of Training Gifted Children for Intellectual Competitions”, Moscow State Linguistic University (2019)
- “Training Experts to Work in the Subject Commission During the State Final Certification of Educational Programs of Secondary General Education in Chinese in 2020”, Moscow (2020)
Selected Publications
SPIN-код: 2609−5477
Employment History
Since 2015 he has been the head coach of the Moscow national team for preparing for the All-Russian Olympiad of school students in Chinese.
From September 2016 to June 2020, he combined his studies at the university with teaching Chinese at the Center for Pedagogical Excellence.
In 2017, he was seconded to the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Defense as an interpreter at the International Army Games (Tank Biathlon).
Since 2019, he has been a representative of the founder in the Governing Council of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow.
He is a member of the World Association of Chinese Studies (WACS), the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT), the Spanish Association of East Asian Studies (AEEAO), the German Association of Chinese Studies (DVCS), the Society of Russian-Chinese Friendship, the Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages of Moscow (Chinese language).
He is the Head of the Executive Committee of the Association of Сhinese Teaching.
He is a leading expert of the Unified State Exam in Chinese. He also works as a researcher at the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurement.
Since November 2020, he has been the Director of the Center of European and Asian Languages (school of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence).