Valentina Smelova

Valentina Smelova

Post: Associate Professor
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy


Theoretical Fundamentals of Biology
Methods of Teaching Biology
Project and Research Activities of Students in the Study of Natural Sciences
Theory and Methods of Teaching the Course “The World Around”
Theory and Methods of Teaching the Course “Technology”
Project and Research Activities in Elementary School
Convergence and Interdisciplinary Integration as Principles of Project Learning
Interdisciplinary Approach to Setting Learning Objectives

Period of Teaching and Research Service

Since 2006

Education and Degrees

Higher Education

Selected Publications

  1. Gerasimenko J.E. & Smelova V.G. (2021). Resursnoe obespechenie kabineta nachal’noj shkoly [Resource Allocation of the primary School Classroom]. Moskva, Berlin: Direkt-Media.
  2. Smelova V.G. (2021). Integrativnyj podhod na urokah biologii [Integrative Approach at the Lessons of Biology]. Moskva, Berlin: Direkt-Media.
  3. Smelova V.G. (2019). Tehnologija mezhpredmetnoj integracii na urokah obshhej biologii v starshej shkole [The Technology of Interdisciplinary at the Lessons of Biology in High School]. Vol. 1. Moskva, Berlin: Direkt-Media.
  4. Smelova V.G. (2021). Igrovye tehnologii na zanjatijah po programme «Izuchaja biologiju, uchim anglijskij» [ In-game technologies in the Classroom inder the Program “Studying Biology, We Learn English”]. Biologiia v shkole, 3, 19-25.