Tatiana Makarova
Post: Head of the Department of English Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication, Associate Professor
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
- makarovats@mgpu.ru
- 8(495)607-51-30
Research Profile
- inclusive education in teaching a foreign language
- modern technologies of teaching Russian as a foreign language
Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages
Technologies of Teaching English
Technologies of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Strategies of Reading and Writing in a Foreign Language
Practical Course of Oral and Written English Communication
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2000
Education and Degrees
Higher education, speciality – teacher of English and foreign languages
Foreign languages
Total Period of Employment
Since 1983
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
- the TESOL International Convention @ English Language Expo Virtual/24-27 March 2021
Selected Publications
Some of the articles:
- Project Work Management Addressing the Needs of BVI Learners of EFL / T.S. Makarova, E.E. Matveeva, M.A.
- Molchanova, E.A. Morozova, N.V. Burenina // Integration of Education. — 2017. — Т. 21. — № 21(4). — P. 609−622. — DOI: 10.15 507/1991−9468.089.021.201 704.609−622.
- Терминологические аспекты определения понятия «персонализированное обучение» / Т. С. Макарова, М. А. Молчанова, Е. А. Морозова // Университетский научный журнал. — 2020. — № 53. — С. 89−96. — DOI 10.25 807/PBH.22 225 064.2020.53.89.96.
- Phenomenon-Based Approach To Teaching Russian As A Foreign Language In The Cultural Context / T. S. Makarova, E. E. Matveeva, M. A. Molchanova, E. A. Morozova // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences: Conference proceedings, Moscow, 23−25 апреля 2020 года. — London: European Publisher, 2020. — P. 541−552. — DOI 10.15 405/epsbs.2020.11.03.58.
- Teaching Foreign Languages Inclusively: Standards for Teacher Competence / T. S. Makarova, E. E. Matveeva, M. A. Molchanova, E. A. Morozova, N. V. Burenina // Integration of Education. — 2021. — Т. 25. — № 1 (89). – P. 144−158. — DOI: 10.15 507/1991−9468.102.025.202 101.144−158.
Employment History
- coordinator of the Russian-American project Dialogue of Cultures and Languages (jointly with the University of Central Florida, USA)
- participant of international organizations: TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language), SARTA (Central Association of Russian Teachers of America)
- organiser of All-Russian scientific and practical conferences on inclusive foreign language education
- author of teaching aids on the theory and practice of teaching a foreign language, reading English-language fiction, preparing students for the Unified State Exam in English