Svetlana Gaichenko
Post: Associate Professor
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
- GaichenkoSV@mgpu.ru
Research Profile
- interactive education, interactive learning technologies, game communication technologies
- teaching children with special needs in inclusive education
- organisation of a developing subject-spatial educational environment in preschool educational institutions
- cognitive foundations of learning
- formation of functional literacy skills in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren
Content and Methods of Modern Preschool Education
Normative and Legal Fundamentals of Educational Activity
Methods of Educational Activity in Primary School
Practice of Inclusive Education in Primary School
Theory and Methods of Teaching the Academic Course “Art”
Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Preschool and Primary Education
Cognitive and Speech Development of Children of Early and Preschool Age (based on the Federal State Educational Standard of additional education)
Features of Work with Children of Preschool and Primary School Age with Disabilities
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Since 2009
Education and Degrees
Higher education
Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, Speech Therapy, General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education