Maria Belyaeva
Post: Professor
Academic credentials: Doctor of Philology
- BelyaevaMV@mgpu.ru
Research Profile
- literature and culture of Germany, cross-cultural relations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Russia).
- languages for special purposes (the language of youth, the language of pedagogical communication, the language of mass media)
- oral and written discourse, textual studies, lexicology and applied lexicology
- theoretical grammar, grammar of oral speech
Lexicology of German
Theoretical Grammar
Speech Practice
Practical Course of Cross-Cultural Communication
Period of Teaching and Research Service
45 years
Education and Degrees
Higher education (Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany), specialist in Germanic studies and Philology
10.02.04 – Germanic languages
Total Period of Employment
45 years
Selected Publications
SPIN-code 2312−1018
eLibrary (AuthorID: 566 329)
Employment History
She carries out coordination activities with universities of Belarus (Minsk) within the framework of cooperation agreements, oversees the participation of students of the Institute of Foreign Languages (Department of German Studies and Linguistic Didactics) in international scientific conferences.