Lea Völker

Lea Völker

Post: Senior Lecturer, DAAD Representative



Practice of cross-cultural communication,  Practice of German vocabulary and grammar


Period of Teaching and Research Service

6 years

Education and Degrees

Master’s degree in Education Science

Advanced Professional Training Certificates

  • Foreign Languages within the Lifelong Learning Education, MCU, April 2019
    Report: Nachdenken über Identität im Deutschunterricht im Kontext von Lebenslangem Lernen
  • 36th Conference of German studies experts under the aegis of DAAD, Southern Federal University, May 2019
    Report: Transkulturelle Identitätsbildung : Analyse kultureller Selbstverortungen im Deutschunterrich

Employment History

Lea Völker is an official representative of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Servicve) at MCU and provides consultations on DAAD scholarship opprotunities for MCU students.

If you are interested in studying in Germany, please visit the official DAAD website to select an exchange trajectory and learn about program requirements and conditions. If you have any questions, write at or visit the DAAD’s office in room 214, the Institute of Foreign Languages.