Larisa Popova
Post: Professor
Academic credentials: Doctor of Philology, Full Professor
- popovalg@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-26-46
Research Profile
- comparative and comparative-historical linguistics
- comparative cultural linguistics
- germanistics
- pragmatic linguistics
History of German
Stylistics of German
Culture of the Germanic area
Comparative Typology of German and Russian
Practical Course of Cross-Cultural Communication
Period of Teaching and Research Service
41 years
Education and Degrees
Higher education, Specialist’s degree (teacher of German and English)
2103 German and English Languages
Total Period of Employment
41 years
Selected Publications
Some of the articles:
- Popova, L. G. Cultural Memory of Words and Languages of Comparison// Advanced Studies in Science: Theory and Practice. A Collection of Scientific Papers.- London: Partnership on Development of Scientific Cooperation, LLC., 2015.- P.188-190
- About possible outlooks of the development of modern linguistics// Advanced Studies in Science: Theory and Practice: The Collection of Scholarly Papers. Volume V.- London: Partnership on Development of Scientific Cooperation, LLC., 2016.- P. 58-62
Employment History
- participant of the following international conferences:
- Бъдещето проблемате на световната наука, София, Болгария, 2008
- Viedzynarodewej naukowi-practycznej konferencji «Wyksztalcenie I nauka bez granic — 2009, Przemysl , 2009
- Кременецькi компаративнi студи збiрник наукових праць, Луцьк , 2013
- Science, Technology and Higher Education, Westwood, 2013
- The Second International Conference on European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Viena, 2014
- Advanced Studies in Science: Theory and Practice, London, 2015
- Advanced Studies in Science: Theory and Practice, London, 2016
- European Science and Technology: materialists of the XVIII international research and practice conference, Munich, October 4-th — 5th, 2017
- Trends in the development of modern linguistics in the age of globalization: materials of the V international scientific conference on October 17−18, Prague, 2019
- coordinator of partnership relations between the cities of Munster and Michurinsk
- one of the Russian leading experts in comparative linguistics and Germanic studies