Julia Krasovitskaya
- krasovickayayuv@mgpu.ru
- +7 (495) 607-26-46
Research Profile
- culture and literature of German-speaking countries
- children’s German-language literature
- german language
- phonetics
Literature of German-Speaking Countries
Cross-Cultural Communication
Grammar of German
Phonetics of German
Lexical-Grammatical Practice (German)
German language. Elementary course (program of additional education)
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Awards and Accomplishments
In 2006, she received a scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to study at summer language courses in Aachen (Germany).
In 2008-2010 she became a scholarship holder of the Vladimir Admoni Postgraduate Program (DAAD). As part of the program, she went on internships in Freiburg (Germany).
Education and Degrees
Higher education
2002–2007 – Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of History and Philology (diploma with honors)
2007–2010 – Russian State University for the Humanities, postgraduate course in Philology
2011-2015 – Humboldt University of Berlin, German Literature (additional specialty Italian Language)
Total Period of Employment
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
Professional development programs:
- Pedagogical Design and Creation of a Course Based on LMS, MCU (32 hours, 2022)
- Pedagogical Discourse: Directions of Interdisciplinary Research, MCU (32 hours, 2023)
Selected Publications
WoS: «Secularization of Consciousness and German Expressionist Poetry» (ссылка)
Employment History
- one of the authors-developers of the Unified State Exam tasks in German
- a member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in German
- participant in the tasks creating for the qualifying stage of the Olympiads Teacher of the Future in German and I am a Professional in Pedagogy (basic) (German)
- member of the scientific school of MCU Institure of Freign Languages — Problems of modern foreign literary studies
- developer of 5 additional education programs: How to Stop Being Afraid of Listening (12 hours); Literature, History and Culture of Germany (country studies lessons for junior high school) (36 hours); Culture and Literature of Germany and Russia at the Turn of the XIX—XX Centuries (18 hours); German for Communication (36 hours); Learning German with the Characters of Children’s German-Language Books” (36 hours)
- teacher of an elective course Children’s German-Language Literature