Ivan Grin’ko
Post: Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Professional Compentence Assessment and Adult Development
Academic credentials: Candidate of Sciences in History
- GrinkoI@mgpu.ru
Research Profile
Museum education, museum anthropology, sociocultural design, interpretation of heritage, culture of popular laughter
Selected Publications
Antos Z., Fromm A.B., Golding V., Edenheiser I., Quinn M., Vella J., Cutajar J., Perić M., Krstović N., Buletić M., Tranfaglia E., Giostrella C., Seguí J., Oleszkiewicz M., Harju J., Aljas A., Masson Е., Grinko I., Shevtsova А., Wild B., Haack J.A., Van Der Zee P., Icke-Schwalbe L.
Ed. by Z. Antos, A.B. Fromm and V. Golding. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. – 249 р.